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Craig James Ostler
Craig James Ostler taught in the Church Education System for forty-three years, with the last twenty-eight of those years at Brigham Young University as a professor of Church History and Doctrine. He, his wife, Sandy, and their family lived in Jerusalem twice while Dr. Ostler taught at the BYU Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies. He has taken time to share his love for the scriptures while teaching thousands of students, BYU Continuing Education classes, BYU Education Week classes, as well as directing frequent tours to Church History sites and to the Holy Land. In his last three years at BYUProvo, he helped develop and direct the Church History Travel Study. As an author, he has shared his knowledge and testimony through dozens of articles and books. Dr. Ostler received his BA, MEd, and PhD from BYU. He has served in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on a General Church Curriculum Writing Committee, as a bishop, on three stake high councils, and in many teaching callings. Currently, he and Sandy serve as full-time missionaries in Laredo, Texas. Together they have seven children and twenty-two grandchildren.