
SKU: 960403 Be of Good Cheer

Be of Good Cheer
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  • SKU: 960403 Be of Good Cheer

    Hank Smith


In his latest talk, Hank Smith shares a warm message of hope amidst the adversities of life. As always, Hank uses humor, teachings from the scriptures, and tender stories from his own life to make his point. He says that one of the best ways to be of good cheer when nothing seems to go right is to learn to laugh. Quoting from a study on the subject, Brother Smith says: "Laughing lowers your blood pressure, it reduces your stress hormone levels, it raises the level of infection,fighting antibodies, it lowers your blood sugar, it improves your memory, and triggers the release of endorphins. It will extend your life and make the lives of all around you more enjoyable. " The good news is, Hank's message will make you laugh as it helps you keep the commandment to "Be of good cheer. "

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