
SKU: 356084 Witness for His Name Hymns for Missionaries

Witness for His Name Hymns for Missionaries
Purchase Witness for His Name Hymns for Missionaries
  • SKU: 356084 Witness for His Name Hymns for Missionaries

    Mark Geslison,Geoff Groberg


When it comes to missionary work, few things can uplift, motivate, and inspire the way music can. Witness for His Name is a beautiful collection of hymns specifically chosen for missionaries. Mark Geslison, Geoff Groberg, and other talented musicians use a variety of acoustic instruments to masterfully perform each song. The result is a warm, inviting style, reminiscent of the old,world sound that is the trademark of their best,selling Sunday listening albums. This album is a perfect companion for all who are called to Witness for His Name.

Songs include:

  • Called to Serve
  • Love at Home
  • The Spirit of God
  • The Lord Is My Shepherd
  • Nearer, My God, to Thee
  • Joseph Smith's First Prayer
  • I Need Thee Every Hour
  • Abide with Me
  • O My Father
  • A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief
  • God Be with You Till We Meet Again
  • and more