
SKU: 579254 Real Life

Real Life
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  • SKU: 579254 Real Life

    Hank Smith


Sometimes, life doesn't go exactly as planned. The fact is, in spite of our best efforts, real life can be tough and living the gospel can be difficult. In this inspiring and entertaining talk from popular speaker Hank Smith, we are reminded that life has its challenges, but eternal life has its rewards. Brother Smith likes Paul's analogy of putting on the whole armor of God because armor isn't designed for comfort. "We wear the armor of God," says Brother Smith, "not the `sweats of heaven. ' We don't put on the `hoodie of happiness,' we put on the breastplate of righteousness. It's not the `beanie of benevolence,' it's the helmet of salvation. Remember, the armor of God isn't meant to be comfortable or convenient, it's meant to protect us. " Using enlightening stories and impactful scriptures, Brother Smith teaches us how we can be sure we are on the Lord's team and following His path. He reminds us that there is great power in truly living the gospel in real life.

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